Mission Statement
White Earth Tribal and Community College is an institution of higher learning dedicated to academic excellence grounded in Anishinaabe culture, values, and traditions.
Vision Statement
Gibimiwidoomin Gidinwewininaan Niigaanakeyaa
"We are carrying into the future the way that we were given"
WETCC Purpose Statement
* The College will present learning as a life-long process of discovery of knowledge embedded in the intellectual disciplines and the traditions of the Anishinaabe people.
* The College will support the self-determination of the Anishinaabe people through the preservation and promotion of our history, culture, and language.
* The College will seek to address the social, political, and economic needs of the White Earth Reservation through programs that encourage service to the community.
* The College will promote a philosophy based on the Seven Teachings of the Anishinaabe.
Anishinaabe Values and Teachings
The Seven Anishinaabe Teachings (Values) guide WETCC
The Anishinaabe Seven Grandfather Teachings serve as the values for the College:
Manaaji’idiwin (Respect) - Respect for All Beings and Things - The condition of being honored
When we live the value of manaaji'idiwin we give respect to all living things; in the Anishinaabe worldview, everything has a spirit and therefore deserves respect.
Respect yourself. Try your hardest in all that you do.
Respect your school and keep a positive attitude towards your classes, coworkers, and others.
Respect others. Return their property the way it was borrowed.
Be mindful of the balance of all living things, honor them and live honorably in teachings and in your actions towards all things.
Safeguard the dignity, individuality, and rights of others.
Zaagi’idiwin (Love) - Giving and Receiving Love - Is to know peace
If we act out of love for one another and ourselves in everything we do, we are living the value of zaagi'idiwin.
Love is unconditional.
Love yourself, eat a healthy diet and take care of your mind, body and soul.
Love your school and teachers, they are there to help you.
Love others, show kindness and compassion.
Work cooperatively and harmoniously with others.
Be loving towards your parents, classmates and Elders.
Show kindness to receive kindness.
Zoongide’ewin (Courage/Bravery) - Strength of Heart - is the ability to face danger, fear or changes with confidence
When we have a strong heart, we are able to face challenges with courage and integrity.
Be courageous with yourself.
Always be willing to try something new.
Be courageous at school and work, do not be scared to talk in front of others.
Acknowledge your personal weaknesses and develop the strength to combat them.
Be courageous with others.
Do what is morally right and be proud of being Anishinaabe.
Find your inner strength to face difficulties.
Gwayakwaadiziwin (Honesty) - Doing the Right Thing - is speaking and acting truthfully and thereby morally upright
Living the values of gwayakwaadiziwin is doing what is right for the group and holding himself/herself and others to high standards of integrity.
Be honest with yourself.
Maintain truthfulness, sincerity, and fairness in one's actions.
To communicate with others and transmit information fairly and truthfully.
Set realistic short and long term goals.
Be honest at work, school with co-workers, teachers and classmates.
Be honest with others - if you say you will do something, do it.
Be honest with yourself and have an understanding of who you are, accept who you are and know how to use the gifts you have been give.
Nibwaakaawin (Wisdom) - Abundance of Wisdom - is the ability to make decisions based upon your knowledge and experience
When we live the value of nibwaakaawin, we seek to learn all that we can in a respectful manner and take the time to reflect upon our teachings.
Reflect on all our experiences.
Use your wisdom.
Continue to gain wisdom with perseverance and time, nothing comes without effort, seek guidance from elders.
Show wisdom by helping others who are struggling to understand.
Share your wisdom with others, share your knowledge and be a good role model.
Know the gifts the Creator has given you to serve others.
Dabasendizowin (Humility)- Humility - is being humble, not arrogant
When we live the values of debwewin, zoongide'ewin, manaaji'idiwin, gwayakwaadiziwin, zaagi'idiwin, and nibwaakaawin, we can hold ourselves in low regard and conduct ourselves accordingly.
Humble yourself. Know your limits and abilities.
Be humble/modest, do not brag or boast to others who are struggling.
Demonstrate sensitivity to others, do not be mean to your family, friends, co-workers, or neighbors.
Recognize that we are all human beings and will make mistakes, be able to accept mistakes and understand the capacity for self growth and change.
Do not make judgement on others.
Debwewin (Truth) - The Sound of the Heart - is to know and understand the 7 teachings given to us by the Creator and remain faithful to them
Each of us holds the truth in his/her heart and when we live the value of debwewin, we express that truth in everything we do.
Be true to yourself.
Be truthful at school and do all your own work.
Be true to others, do not spread rumors or lies.
Learn truth, live with truth, walk and talk truth.
Have faith and trust in your teachings and show honor and sincerity in all that you say and do.