Who is Eligible to Vote?
To vote in Minnesota, you must:
- Be a U.S. citizen
- Be at least 18 years old on Election Day
- Have lived in Minnesota for at least 20 days
If you have a felony conviction, you can vote if you have completed all parts of your sentence, including probation or parole.
Determining Your Voting Residence
Register to vote from the address you currently consider your home. For many students, this might be your school address or your parents' house. If you visit your parents' house but no longer consider it home, you should register where you live while at school.
If you moved to Minnesota from another state and now consider it your home, you can vote in Minnesota, regardless of out-of-state tuition or having a driver's license from another state.
If your school address isn't your home, you can vote by mail with an absentee ballot. Apply at mnvotes.org or check your home state's election website.
Register to Vote
Make sure you are registered at your current address. To register or update your registration, visit mnvotes.org. While it's best to register before Election Day, it’s not mandatory. To register on Election Day, you’ll need to show proof of your name and current address. Check mnvotes.org for a list of acceptable IDs and documents.
Voting Locations and Hours
Find your polling place at mnvotes.org. Most polling places are open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.
View Your Sample Ballot
See the candidates and questions on your ballot by visiting mnvotes.org.
What to Bring on Election Day
If you're already registered at your current address, you don't need to bring ID. If you need to register or update your registration on Election Day, you will need proof of residence. For more details, visit mnvotes.org or call 1-877-600-VOTE.
Vote Early with an Absentee Ballot
Early voting starts at your local elections office on Friday, September 18. You can also request an absentee ballot by mail. For more information or to request a ballot, visit mnvotes.org.
New Voters: A Step-by-Step Guide to Voting
Find Your Polling Place
You must vote at your designated polling place, typically located near your residence. To find your polling location, visit mnvotes.org. Most polling places are open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Sign In or Register
If you're already registered, your name will be on the voter list. Simply sign your name next to it. Registered voters do not need to show ID at sign-in.
If you haven't registered before Election Day, you'll need to provide proof of your current address. Acceptable proof includes a current Minnesota driver’s license or state ID, or a photo ID with your old address accompanied by a bill showing your current address. For a full list of acceptable IDs and documents, visit mnvotes.org.
You will vote in a private booth, and your vote will be confidential. Use a pen or pencil to completely fill in the oval next to your chosen candidate or option.
Instructions on the ballot will indicate how many candidates you can select for each office, usually "choose one." Some local offices might have multiple seats available.
Your ballot will still be valid even if you leave some races or questions blank.
Submit Your Ballot
After voting, insert your ballot into the ballot-counter machine. Don’t forget to pick up your “I Voted” sticker before you leave!
Vote Early with an Absentee Ballot
Starting Friday, September 23, you can vote early at your local elections office. Alternatively, you can request an absentee ballot by mail. For more information or to request a ballot, visit mnvotes.org.
Time Off Work to Vote
You are entitled to take time off work to vote without losing pay, personal leave, or vacation time.
Know Your Rights: Minnesota Voters
Time Off Work to Vote
You have the right to take time off work to vote without losing pay, personal leave, or vacation time.
Voting Hours
If you are in line to vote by 8 P.M., you have the right to cast your vote.
Same-Day Registration
You can register to vote on Election Day by providing the necessary proof of residence.
Oral Sign-In
You can confirm your identity orally and request someone else to sign for you if you are unable to sign your name.
Assistance at the Polls
You have the right to ask anyone for help at the polls, except for your employer, a union representative, or a candidate.
Bringing Children
You are allowed to bring your children with you to the polling place.
Voting After Felony Conviction
You can vote once you have completed all parts of your sentence, including probation, parole, or any other conditions like restitution.
Voting Under Guardianship
If you are under guardianship, you still have the right to vote unless a judge has specifically revoked this right.
Voting Without Influence
If you make a mistake on your ballot before submitting it, you have the right to request a new ballot.
Filing Complaints
You can file a written complaint at your polling place if you are dissatisfied with how the election is being conducted.
Bringing a Sample Ballot
You are permitted to bring a copy of the Voter’s Bill of Rights or a sample ballot into the voting booth with you.
How to Vote: Make Your Voice Heard
Who Can Vote?
To vote in Minnesota, you must be:
- A U.S. citizen
- At least 18 years old on Election Day
- A resident of Minnesota for at least 20 days
If you have a felony conviction, you can vote after completing all parts of your sentence, including probation, parole, or any other conditions such as restitution.
You can vote while under guardianship unless a judge has revoked your right to vote.
Register to Vote
You must be registered at your current address. To register or update your registration, visit mnvotes.org.
You can also register at your polling place on Election Day. You will need to show proof of your name and current address. For more details, visit mnvotes.org or call 1-877-600-VOTE.
See Your Sample Ballot
View the candidates and questions that will appear on your ballot at mnvotes.org.
Voting Locations and Hours
Find your polling place at mnvotes.org. Most polling places are open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Students living on campus will vote at St. Cloud State's Atwood Memorial Center.
What to Bring on Election Day
If you are already registered at your current address, you do not need to bring identification. If you need to register or update your registration, you will need proof of residence. For more information, visit mnvotes.org or call 1-877-600-VOTE.
Vote Early with an Absentee Ballot
Starting Friday, September 23, you can vote early at your local elections office. You can also request an absentee ballot by mail. To find your local elections office or request an absentee ballot, visit mnvotes.org.
Time Off Work to Vote
You have the right to take time off work to vote without losing pay, personal leave, or vacation time.
I'm Homeless: How to Register and Vote
Registering to Vote
If you are homeless, you can register to vote using the location where you sleep as your address. You may need someone to confirm your living situation at the polling place (details below).
When registering, provide your current residence. This can be a shelter, a friend's house, or an outdoor location where you sleep.
For outdoor locations, describe the location on line four of your voter registration application. Example: "In the NW corner of Jefferson Park near the intersection of Winston Ave. and Smith St."
Register Before Election Day
If you register before Election Day using an outdoor location, your voter record will be marked 'challenged' because the county cannot confirm a specific street address. You will still be able to vote, but you will need to swear an oath at the polling place on Election Day confirming you live at that location.
Register on Election Day
You can also register on Election Day, but you will need to show proof of residence.
If you do not have documents proving your residence, a registered voter from your precinct can accompany you to the polling place to sign an oath confirming where you live.
If you live in a shelter, a staff member can go with you to the polling place to confirm your residence.

Michelle Warren
Campus Vote Coordinator
(218) 936-8331